Wednesday Vignette: Fabergé dandelion

I was chuffed to come upon this lowly dandelion, made lofty by Fabergé, at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts when I visited on 1

Wednesday Vignette: Somewhere Nowhere

Holy jumpin’ weasel critters, I have so many possibles this week, after 16 days away in the most photogenic places, having the most vivid dreams,

Wednesday Vignette: the sand will hold us

I get lost in the double helix of good and bad. The road to hell must be some kind of mirage, an inverse cast of

Wednesday Vignette: Heavenly Folly Made This World So Bright

With daffodils mad footnotes for the spring, And asters purple asterisks for autumn — – Conrad Aiken, Preludes for Memnon, 1931 Photos from my garden

Wednesday Vignette: The Slowness of Memory

There is a secret bond between slowness and memory, between speed and forgetting. Consider this utterly commonplace situation: a man is walking down the street.

Wednesday Vignette: Red Carpet

This is my kind of red carpet. Wednesday Vignette is brought to us by Flutter & Hum.

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