Sinuous Southern Life

“That sinuous southern life, that oblique and slow and complicated old beauty, that warm thick air and blood warm sea, that place of mists and

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens is developing into a sizable, interesting place to visit, about 20 minutes’ drive from historic Savannah. Before Christmas, I posted some

Savannah: Colonial Park Cemetery

I visited Savannah for two days before Christmas and then again for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day this year. I’ll be posting this

Jekyll Island: Birds

Jekyll Island, GA, even in December, is a perfect place to watch birds. I’ve been there in April, June, and September and in those months

My Foggy Christmas Day on Jekyll Island

I’m vacationing in Savannah and on Jekyll Island for the two weeks around Christmas and New Year’s Day. It’s been just lovely, a perfect break

If you love camellias or orchids, this is the post for you.

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens has come a long way in two years. I visited in Dec. 2013, when it was little more than a bamboo

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