Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses. guide:

Write 28 Days: Have Heaven ~ Day 19 :: Disenchantment

Welcome to day 19 of 28 Days of Have Heaven, a short month of posts about heaven, paradise, perfection and desire, perfect places, art, theology,

Thursday 13: Mosses

A meme I’m trying out: A list of thirteen things, any topic, any style. 13 mosses — well, 11 mosses and 2 likely impostors —

Almost Certainly Not Axe Murderers

Welcome to day 30 of 31 Days of Heterotopias: Motels and Hotels, a month of posts about how motels, hotels, and inns function as heterotopias

There is Comfort. There is Reassurance.

Welcome to day 3 of 31 Days of Heterotopias: Motels and Hotels, a month of posts about how motels, hotels, and inns function as heterotopias