Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

photo essay: This Japanese Man Paints a Picture of Every Meal He Eats (ArtNet News via Kottke). Aerial views.

photos: FRANCK BOHBOT. I like so many of these series, including Angels (Los Angeles), Forever Young (in France, “the nostalgia of summers gone by and the thrill of being young and alive”), The Desert Star, Light On New York City, and Velvet Snow. I couldn’t get into Summer Nights in Paris (password protected) but I found it on his Instagram account.

interview: EXPAT INTERVIEWS: Fred Guo is finding touch-points towards home — Life in Copenhagen and Paris, befriending neighbors and making career moves (Christine Corbin/New in Town). I know it’s ultra-simplified but I love his city matrix, and I love London (“real and chill”), which would be my choice for where to live if I had the energy to start all over now. Though Copenhagen sounds pretty good, too. Anyway, the interview is interesting for other reasons too.

short video: choreography (Urban Theory/Instagram).

photos: Famous Artists’ Homes (Isabelle Baldwin et al./Twitter). Close to 60 homes (and studios), artists including Frida Kahlo, Barbara Hepworth, Salvador Dalí, Alex Katz, Cezanne, Florence Welch, Alekos Fassianos, Maud Lewis, Oswaldo Montenegro, et al.

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