Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

essay: Garden Party (Humidity & Hope: Hugh Hollowell). Keeping and making friends as we age and move.

article: desert bathing (Univ of Arizona News). “The Sonoran Desert flora is one of the richest in the world in plants that emit fragrant volatile oils, and many of those fragrances confer stress-reducing health benefits to humans, wildlife and the plants themselves.”

webcams: wildlife livecams (Explore). On land, in the sea, in bird nests. Most are wild animals, though some feature cats and dogs. Opened for me to the Brook Falls brown bears in Alaska fishing for salmon, which is, truly, wild.

recipe: a version of Nocino, a walnut liqueur (Substack/The Imperfect Umbrella with Mark Diacono). Warning: wear gloves or your fingers will look “like you’ve had a lifetime of Woodbines.”

essay: green like the internet in a movie: maybe the greenest place is whatever allowed you to transform (Substack/Griefbacon: Helena Fitzgerald). Pure poetry. “New things keep being born, and getting bigger, and growing legs in the swamp, and crowding in at the windows, demanding to be known. The trees on the street keep changing color; the green always returns and never stays. We get to keep nothing. Summer feels slow and static, a long stoned afternoon floating in somebody else’s pool on a weekend, but it moves like a fast train across its short months….”

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