LINK FEST: 31 MAY 2022

Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

audio: ambient sounds to wash away distraction (A Soft Murmur). You mix them as you like: rain, thunder, fire, birds, waves, coffee shop, wind, singing bowl, crickets, white noise.

short essay: the last time always happens now ( The last time you picked up your child, played with a certain dog, talked with a friend, visited a favourite place, “drew a picture with crayons purely for your own pleasure.” Almost always, we don’t know it’s the last time. What if we did?

short article: What is the closest planet to Earth on average? (Bad Astronomy Newsletter). Fascinating discussion and you don’t have to do the math.

list: 38 Ways To Win An Argument by Arthur Schopenhauer — Over 100 years before social media. (M’n Ei, via The Browser) “World’s gloomiest philosopher explains how to pwn trolls [or how to be a troll] and win Twitter.”

a day in the life (Mari Andrew) Like Mari, I just love hearing about the minutiae of people’s weeks, days, moments — what happens, what they do, what they think and feel about it

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