Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

live video: L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped (in French, L’Arc de Triomphe Empaqueté), in tribute to Christo and Jeanne-Claude. The installation runs from 18 Sept. to 3 Oct. (YouTube)

There are two types of dogs; one likes pillows. (Some Dogs)

New island found accidentally (Vice). It’s about 30 by 60 meters in size, is made up mostly of moraine, gravel, and marine mud, and since it “may have been formed by a large storm that pressed these materials together, … [it] could just as easily disappear in another one.”

4-year-old walking her pet snail discovers rare stingless bees in California, researchers say. (NewsTribune, Tacoma WA). You don’t really need any more than the headline.

check out This Week in the Woods to see flora, fauna, fungi, etc., currently in the New Hampshire/New England area. (Northern Woodlands)

video: Squirrels leaping and learning to stick the landing under an array of changing conditions. (UC Berkeley YouTube)

mostly photos: McMansion Hell, Staten Island 1980s (McMansion Hell Yearbook at tumblr) “corner bed with carpet-brutalist landing is such a choice i respect.” Also — “lawn” is all hellebore.

Featured image: stones at Bedrock Gardens, Lee, NH, Sept. 2016

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