31 Days: Apocalypse, Now ~ Day 3 :: Buried Treasure

Welcome to day 3 of 31 Days of Apocalypse, Now, a month of posts about apocalypse, revelation, uncovering what’s been hidden. Each post will look

Wednesday Vignette: Curing Myself

I will walk by myself and cure myself in the sunshine and the wind. — Charles Reznikoff, from “Autobiography: New York” * Wednesday Vignette is

Wednesday Vignette: GA –> ME

Wouldn’t it be great if there were an Appalachian Trail from coastal Georgia to coastal Maine? * Wednesday Vignette is brought to us by Flutter

Hotels I Haven’t Known

Welcome to day 11 of 31 Days of Heterotopias: Motels and Hotels, a month of posts about how motels, hotels, and inns function as heterotopias

Hampton Inn and Olive Garden (Richmond, VA)

Welcome to day 7 of 31 Days of Heterotopias: Motels and Hotels, a month of posts about how motels, hotels, and inns function as heterotopias

Gardens in Other Climates

Recently I’ve travelled in Savannah, GA, Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island, at the northern end of Florida, and Jekyll Island, GA. As I walked trails,

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