Thursday 13: Jekyll Island

A meme I’m trying out: A list of thirteen things, any topic, any style. Thirteen Things I’ve Seen on Jekyll Island This Week: 1- Alligators!

October Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day

It’s 40F and rainy here. We had a very light frost on Sunday morning, which killed only the basil in the vegetable garden; it didn’t

September Bloom (and Animal) Day

Again I missed the traditional Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th, but it’s still September, so here I go. September here in New Hampshire,

August Bloom Day

Well, I missed the traditional Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day on the 15th, but it’s only 3 days later, not so late in the span of

Ginter Again

Another visit to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond, Virginia, this time squeezed in on 6 July during an unexpected family visit, under threatening

Field Trip: Mill Mountain, Roanoke, VA

While away recently for a family funeral, spouse and I took two hours off from running errands, making calls, buying and arranging flowers, delivering food,

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