Wednesday Vignette

fox in snow 24 March 2017

The red fox (not looking very red in the camera light) is a frequent visitor to our small-town suburban property beside a marsh. Even though he or she visits almost every night — and sometimes twice — through most of the year, I always get a thrill when I see one on the motion camera photos, especially when s/he’s looking back at the camera.

This shot was taken on 24 March; today, on 5 April, we have even more snow than we did then! But with temps predicted to be 75 at least one day next week, we might have enough snow melt and soil unfreezing so that we can plant peas on the traditional pea-planting day for northern New England, Patriot’s Day, which is 17 April.


(Wednesday vignette is brought to us by Flutter & Hum.)


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