WRITE 28 DAYS: MEDITATION RESPONSES – DAY 13 & Day 14: Drinking Tea Meditation & Washing Dishes Meditation

I’m participating in Sharon Salzberg’s 28-Day Real Happiness Meditation Challenge again this year, and my plan for this blog series is to write a poem or reflection


Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses. photos/how-to:

Wednesday Vignette: New Words, Old Medicines

I’d never heard of Vitamin G until today, but Eudigolbin, a product in the historic apothecary at Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont, lists it. Turns

31 Days: Apocalypse, Now ~ Day 25 :: Catastrophe Plants

Welcome to day 25 of 31 Days of Apocalypse, Now, a month of posts about apocalypse, revelation, uncovering what’s been hidden. Each post will look