Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses. article:

Write 28 Days: Landscape of Memory ~ Meadow

This month, I’m writing words and posting images relating to the landscape of memory. I hope to write poems most days and also share photos,

Inktober: 31 Days of Poems: Misfit

I’m using daily prompts associated with Inktober (artists doing ink drawings) to spur poetry this month. The poems flow from the prompts, though it may not be

Unfolding Paths

I’ve blogged before (One Hidden Self, June 2015 — last section of post) about The Wells Reserve at Laudholm, in Wells, Maine. Laudholm is a

Wednesday Vignette

It’s Wednesday Vignette time again! The first one of the autumn. I take a lot of close-up photos of plants and insects, but I chose


The first time my sister typed “OBE” in an email to me, I thought she was referring to the Order of the British Empire. But,

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