My continuation of Sharon Astyk’s now-completed “Independence Days” project (June-Aug 2022), which offered a framework for recognising how we’re building resiliency, community, and accountability that will make our


I followed along with Sharon Astyk’s now-completed “Independence Days” project, which ran for 10 weeks, from 17 June to 26 August, and was an “exercise [to build]

The Urge to Tame

Well, there’s a foot or two of snow on the ground here, but it’s time to order seedlings! I sent in my order yesterday to

Seeds: The Whisper That Shapes A Song

“There is a way to see inside By looking directly through to seed or marrow Within the bone vessel a world is made Red and

Planting (and Replanting) Commences

Spent 4 hours planting today and such perfect weather for it: about 60F, mostly sunny, and — key for sheet mulching — not at all

Possible Spring Project

I’m thinking about adding to my garden space — and removing from its function as “lawn” — an area on the south side of the