Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

short essay: A thing that social media is good at is the strengthening of weak ties. (Life is so Beautiful/John Hollowell, 4 April 2022).

musical time machine: Radioooo. Listen to music all over the world by place and time period from 1900 until now (and beyond!). Choose country and decade.

infographic: The Deep Sea. (Neal Agarwal) Scroll down to see who lives where in the ocean. From many fish, mammals, amphibians, and marine invertebrates we’re all familiar with to the hadal amphipod, a kind of planktonic crustacean that can digest wood, at about 10,300 meters (over 6 miles) deep.

short essay: WOWs and WTFs (Shanna Trenholm/life: examined) “your boring old locale is overflowing with ephemeral oddities and bursts of beauty waiting to be appreciated.”

sounds: calls of frogs & toads of the Northeast U.S. (Lang Elliott, Music of Nature)

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