Links that may or may not be related to gardens, food, travel, nature, or heterotopias and liminal spaces but probably are. Sources in parentheses.

video: highest and best use of border collies? (Twitter/All About Steve)

drawings: idle moments of contentment in our daily lives (Booooooom/Rain Szeto). Ink and watercolour. Messy, cluttered, vibrant, alive spaces.

plant focus: Canadian Wood Betony: Pedicularis canadensis (Meristem Horticulture/Jared Barnes, Plant-ed). Short article, big photos. It’s a hemiparasite (it photosynthesises and it also takes water, nutrients, and maybe sugars from surrounding plant roots) and it increases species diversity where it grows by checking the development of more vigorous competitors, which lets other species take root. It’s native to most of New England and in fact to almost all of the eastern U.S.

essay: impressive tire changes remembered (Substack/Nick Offerman)

essay: The new primordial soup: the unexpected ecstasy of mud season (Substack/Mind the Moss – Miles Howard). With caveats and trail tips. “[C]ompared to the endless wind and short days of January, mud season is a treat—a musky gelato of a hiking season, after a miasma of lethargy and repression.”

biographical article: The Brilliance of Charo (NYT; free). Lots of photos. “Charo got her start in America on the casino circuit, and more than 50 years later, she still radiates a neon glow. She remains on a club schedule: Most nights she plays guitar until 2 or 3 in the morning, practicing for her next live gig.”

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